How much do we know about the brothers and sisters of Jesus?
Jesus had brothers and sisters, who are mentioned in the New Testament.
Jesus had brothers and sisters, who are mentioned in the New Testament.
Those who identify as non-religious experience a lower level of human flourishing than the general public, while practicing Christians enjoy the most flourishing, according to a new report.
"Atheism might seem to offer a solution by removing God from the equation, but in doing so, it removes all hope."
No matter the denomination, individual area of influence, or whether you are gathering 3 people or 3,000 people, we believe this is a moment for the UK to return to God and flourish in the identity found in Him."
Scientists often assume such ideas are delusions – symptoms of a psychiatric illness or psychosis. Some Christians even dismiss the idea, even though they feature prominently in the gospel accounts of Jesus's life. So when a distinguished expert in mental illness, Dr Richard Gallagher, wrote a book describing his own personal encounters with people who are possessed, it received a lot of media attention.
6th October is the day when William Tyndale is remembered. This is the story ...
While the overwhelming majority of Evangelicals believe they have a duty to share the teachings of the Bible, most don't feel prepared to do so, according to a new survey.
A new study looking at church attendance among Evangelicals reveals that conservatives are the most likely to identify as "low-attending Evangelicals."
The Lollards were England's first evangelicals. This is the story ...
A new study suggests that the mental health crisis in the United States may be more closely related to a lack of a biblical worldview than to commonly cited causes like chemical imbalances.
'There's a direct connection between prayer and power'
One of the most surprising reflections on my 20-year mission to build a national monument to God's answered prayers is that the most difficult challenge has not been raising the millions of pounds needed to build it.
In much the same way the Gutenberg Press revolutionised communication in its time, modern digital media - through the internet, broadcast channels, and the mobile devices we all carry - offers an equally transformative platform for sharing the Christian message today.